Tuesday, January 24, 2017

The Women's March - Just Random Thoughts

I wanted to share these thoughts on my knitting blog, but after awhile, a few paragraphs, I felt it was too lengthy to impose on anyone, unless they wanted to explore my views.  So here's my deleted thoughts and where I sit on some issues (always changing).

Today's knitting blog post: Lovely Yarn Escapes: Tuesday's Knitting Away 

On The Women's March and Making a Pussyhat -

      I am a fence sitter in one area and I'm not quite comfortable sitting on a particular side.  To me the March was about treating women correctly.  To not be disrespectful to women or see them as only sexual objects.  I grew up in the 60's and 70's, had a Dad that was a babe watcher.  Women were sex objects guys could ogle.  I don't know if women now get it how bad the accepted norm was.  I felt very uncomfortable as a woman growing up, being stared at, the look up and down.  It made you feel as an object.  When you talked to a man - did he look you in the eye, or stare at your breasts?  Did my mind, my thoughts mean anything?  And I know it's not gone, but the idea that it be sanctioned, applauded and only dubbed "locker room behavior" sickens me. 

      My fence sitting issue is abortion.  I am a Christian.  I am not a believer in abortion, but that said I also believe other things.  I used to teach and have studied history, I don't believe a government should have the right to dictate people's beliefs.  I'm uncomfortable with a so called "Christian" government dictating that everyone should be a certain way or can or cannot do something.  So what it boils down to even if "I" am not a person who likes abortion (I lost a few babies in the early stages and it took me 11 years to give a live birth), even though I might feel a certain way, I don't believe I or my government has the right to impose that on others.  

     The reason why?  I believe in FREEDOM.  I have spent decades in a Christian far right group that made us all believe one way.  When I got out, I realized how precious my freedom was.  I got out the weekend of the celebration of the anniversary for The Battle of Saratoga in 1777.  And all I could think of was- they fought for my freedom, my right to choose, fresh air to a starving man (or woman in this case). 

      Another issue to be concerned about is back alley abortions.  While I'm not pro-abortion, I'm not let's rip away everyone's right to proper health care.  It is their choice, I won't agree with everyone's choice.  But if they do decide, heaven forbid they have nowhere to go that's safe!  I remember, I'm old enough to remember.  You heard about those that died, horribly.  No one deserves that.  People need room to make their choices. 

      So my uncomfortable line.  I didn't want to seem one way, but I'm very uncomfortable about the other way, too.  Then I realized in my heart the March was about Women being treated fairly.  That is something I can get behind.

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